Without even taking skill trees and perks into consideration, weapon type means more than just base damage. Related: What Skyrim’s Best Daedric Artifacts Are This might at first disappoint players who prefer swords to maces, but there are many other factors to consider. Likewise, bludgeon weapons like war hammers and maces always deal the highest damage, while swords and greatswords deal the least.

A weapon’s material is an important factor - ebony or Dragonbone always hit harder than iron or steel. Some players choose their weapon based on its aesthetic, but most go by damage value. Players looking for something deeper might be surprised to find that there’s a higher level to Skyrim’s combat.Įxcluding Skyrim mods that turn chairs into deadly weapons, Skyrim’s melee weapons fall into three separate categories: swords, axes, and maces. Close-quarters victory is determined by the strength of the player’s weapon, how many hits they can connect, and how many hits they can block or withstand.

At its base level, melee combat in Skyrim boils down to attacks and power attacks with either a one or two-handed weapon. Spells, marksmanship, and stealth are all valid approaches, but when combat gets up close and personal, nothing beats a melee weapon. Fighting takes place a great deal in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, whether it’s a group of bandits, a vicious bear, or a fire-breathing dragon.