The optimizations have worked out wonderfully. The graphics are almost as good and don't kill your system like 1.0 did. When I heard about FFXIV:ARR I was excited and hoped they would do a better job this time around. I've been playing since 1.0 but didn't play it for long because it did suck big time.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this happens to be mine. You can call me a fanboy or just not agree with what I'm saying, that's fine. And aside from the server issues during Early Access and the 1017 errors as of launch this game couldn't be any better. Overall, Square Enix has done a great job completely remaking the game and optimizing everything that failed in the first. Overall, Square Enix has done a great job completely remaking the game and This game has come a long way from the fiasco that was version 1.0.

This game has come a long way from the fiasco that was version 1.0.

With new servers coming within a week's time, these annoyances are only temporary and do little to hinder a legitimate review score.) … Expand (While there are some hiccups during this initial launch phase, including errors that are being mentioned, this is to be expected of any big product launch. With a great deal of nostalgia and Final Fantasy goodness thrown on top, this game will keep any Final Fantasy fan busy for years to come. The fantastic story telling and presentation of Final Fantasy XI, the usability of World of Warcraft, and a number of great systems inspired by others. While there's nothing overly innovative about it, this game takes all of the great ideas from various successful MMORPGs and incorporates them into one package. While there's nothing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is so much better than its previous incarnation that it's hard to fully describe. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is so much better than its previous incarnation that it's hard to fully describe.