Fallout 4 resurrection forest edition
Fallout 4 resurrection forest edition

We're also looking to reduce creature difficulty in a few sub-regions within the Ash Heap, the Savage Divide, and Toxic Valley so that Dwellers who are stepping out of the Forest for the first time have fewer encounters with higher-level enemies. For example, characters under level 25 will pay fewer caps when fast traveling, those under level 15 will have higher disease resistance, and we're replacing a number of early-game Challenge rewards with items and other supplies that will give these Dwellers a better chance at survival. Lots of new Dwellers have been leaving Vault 76 for the first time over the past few weeks and, in Patch 11, we're looking to make a few adjustments to help new and low-level characters have more gradual introductions to some of the game's mechanics and challenges. Additionally, your food and drinks will no longer lose condition after you fast travel. After the update, raw food items and fluxes will last 50% longer before spoiling. We're making a pair of changes that will help you more easily get to the food and drinks you've scrounged together before their expiration dates pass. It's no secret that the Wasteland can be a harsh environment that leaves even the heartiest explorers feeling parched and peckish. credit//Bethesda Softworks FOOD AND SPOILAGE There's no official date set for the patch, just that it will be coming out mid-July for Fallout 76. But essentially this update will add a bunch of new content and fix some bugs in the process. You can check out their post here or read some of the details below. Before Patch 11 is dropped by Bethesda Softworks into Fallout 76, the developers have decided to throw up a preview of what's to come.

Fallout 4 resurrection forest edition