Parasaurolophus jurassic world evolution
Parasaurolophus jurassic world evolution

parasaurolophus jurassic world evolution

Cyrtocristatus possessing the shortest crest which bends downwards. There are currently three Parasaurolophus subspecies, with different sizes of crests P.

parasaurolophus jurassic world evolution

By pumping air into a reconstruction of a Parasaurolophus' skull, scientists determined that Parasaurolophus could have made a trumpet like call by passing air through its crest. The most likely purpose of the crest was to amplify sounds the dinosaur made and as a display during courtship. This was purposed in the early 20th century, when hadrosaurs were thought to be aquatic creatures, however this and the snorkel were disapproved. The most bizarre was that the crest was some sort of snorkel used for the dinosaur to breathe while swimming. The purpose of this crest remained a mystery to scientists for years and many theories were proposed, such as a weapon against carnivores, a specialized gland for storing salt or a feature to push aside branches. The most distinctive feature, and which has made it extremely iconic, is the long crest at the back of its head. Like other members of the hadrosaur family, Parasaurolophus walked mostly on four legs, but could raise on its back two when needed. Parasaurolophus, sometimes nicknamed Parasaur, especially by the general public, is a large and distinctive herbivorous dinosaur from Late Cretaceous, North America.

  • 1.1 Parasaurolophus' History in Mesozoica.

  • Parasaurolophus jurassic world evolution